The online store has been down for at least 4 hours at the time of writing, with Japanese Nintendo Customer Support Twitter account Frequent issues apologies, with no repair schedule provided.
While neither Nintendo nor Capcom has specifically commented on the connection, the outage coincides with the release of a Monster Hunter Rise demo, which includes two missions and two tutorials for the upcoming Switch exclusive.
The demo weighs 1.6GB, and tasks can be run a maximum of 30 times before the February 1 closing date. If you can’t download, we have videos of Great Izuchi Mission, and Mizutsune Mission for you to take on.
If you’re interested in purchasing the game before it arrives on March 26th, here’s what comes in every Monster Hunter Rise release.
Joe Scribbles is IGN’s Executive News Editor. follow him Twitter. Do you tip for us? Want to discuss a potential story? Please send an email to
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