
Atac cibernetic masiv din SUA: hackerii care accesează e-mailurile Departamentului de Justiție – Resurse de știri

Departamentul de Justiție a anunțat, miercuri, că hackerii au pătruns în compania de software SolarWinds și…

The Department of Justice says the SolarWinds hackers breached the Office 365 system and read the email

The US Department of Justice has become the latest federal agency to say its network has…

Dancing with the Stars Whitney Carson reveals the name of her baby

Wrapping Cyborg inscription written from „The Flash”; The role played by Ray Fisher will not be…

SpaceX’s Starship SN9 prototype is launching its engines for the first time

SpaceX launched its latest releases Starship First prototype. The SN9’s three engines lit up For about…

The crazy 3-point boom pushed into the Austin Knicks

Austin Rivers became the Knicks’ Mariano Rivera – a closer elite. There is no safe lead…

Facebook pages will soon lose their like buttons, and focus more on followers

The like button is one of Facebook’s most prominent design signals, but the company will soon…

My mom took $ 12,000 on maternity leave after not being invited to drinks

A new mother in the UK is getting damages of up to $ 12,000 – for…

CES 2021: Samsung și-a dezvăluit noile game de produse pe segmentul televizoarelor inteligente: „Neo QLED”, „MicroLED” și „Lifestyle”

CES 2021: Samsung va introduce noi colecții Neo QLED, MicroLED și Lifestyle TV Samsung a dezvăluit…

The Justice Ministry says it was affected by the Russian hack

Washington (AP) – The Ministry of Justice revealed, on Wednesday, that it is among federal agencies…

Is The Weeknd’s fake plastic surgery a dig at ex Bella Hadid?

Bandages – and gloves – are off The Weeknd. „Starboy” singer, 30 years old, The fans…