
Indianapolis Colts rule LT Anthony Castonzo and RT Braden Smith against Pittsburgh Steelers

Indianapolis – The unattended Colts will initially be offensive in Sunday’s game in Pittsburgh. Left processing…

Asus mistakenly confirms its 20GB GeForce RTX 3080 Ti

Take the editor: Since its launch in September, there have been no new Nvidia RTX GPUs…

Germany and Hungary provide the first vaccines before the European Union launch

Frankfurt, Germany (AFP) – Germany and Hungary began administering the first vaccines of the Coronavirus vaccine…

Actualizarea atacului armat la Berlin. Cel puțin patru persoane au fost rănite. Făptașii nu au fost arestați

Actualizați Presa germană sugerează că va fi o decontare a contului. Departamentul pentru afaceri politice a…

Hawaii reported 120 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 20,769

Today Hawaiian health officials reported 120 new cases Corona Virus Statewide infection, bringing the total number…

Astronauts send a Christmas message of hope to Earth from the International Space Station

Seven astronauts celebrating the holiday season on board the ship International Space StationBut that doesn’t stop…

Final Match Report – Second Australia vs India Test 2020

Transfer Bumrah was excellent the whole time, and Ashwin got Smith for Duck and Siraj throw…

The PS5 will stick with one player

If there is a clear distinction between Xbox users from Microsoft and Sony Playstation users, based…

Vladimir Putin: How Covid-19 and 2020 Derailed the Russian President’s Plans

Observers were quick to read the finer details: The constitutional reform is likely to reset the…

Peste 4.500 de camioane au traversat Canalul Mânecii. 10.000 de șoferi au fost testați și 24 răniți

Reuters l-a citat pe ministrul britanic al transporturilor, Grant Shaps, spunând că peste 4.500 de camioane…