At least 5 people are killed in an attack on the Sudanese border, as tensions with Ethiopia rise

Tensions between the two countries have been rising for decades due to the disputed fracas region, which sits on the Sudanese side of their disputed border. The situation escalated on Wednesday after the Sudanese accused Ethiopian military aircraft of violating Sudanese airspace.

On a visit, Wednesday, to the eastern state of Gedaref, where Al-Fashaqa is located, the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, announced He addressed the soldiers stationed at the border.

„We are all steadfast with you here until our right is proven by force or in good faith or by any other means. This is our land and we have the legitimate right to defend and protect it by all available means,” he said.

A video posted on TSC’s Facebook page showed al-Burhan’s statements telling them that Sudan would not back down from the military confrontation.

„How long should we be patient? Everything has limits and this situation has crossed its limits. This is our land and we are all ready to die here for this land to the last man standing.”

These latest remarks are part of a series of increasingly confrontational public statements by the two countries. Dina Mufti, spokesman for the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, told reporters in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa On Tuesday that Sudan was seeking to „inflame the situation.”

„How long will Ethiopia continue to solve the issue using diplomacy? Well, there is nothing without limits. Everything has limits,” the Mufti said.

The Ethiopian government did not respond to CNN’s request for comment. An Ethiopian military spokesman told Agence France-Presse that he had „no concrete information” about Sudan’s allegations and that the situation on the border was „normal” on Wednesday.

A spokesman for the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission told CNN that more than 80 civilians were killed in an attack on the border on Tuesday.

Aaron Machu said, „The information we have received shows that more than 80 civilians were killed in the Metikel area in Benishangul-Gumuz in an early morning attack.”

The Human Rights Committee, which describes itself as an „independent national” institution, is still gathering details and has not specified who may have committed the attack.

„These kinds of horrific incidents have occurred for a very long time. There is no other option but for the federal and provincial authorities to strengthen the security presence in the area and strengthen coordination among them – a call made by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission again.”

Since November, the Ethiopian government has waged a military campaign in the Tigray region bordering Sudan. Civil society groups in Sudan told CNN that they fear escalating tensions between the two countries will further divide the region.

more than 45,000 refugees They have fled from the Ethiopian Tigray region to Sudan since the conflict began, according to the United Nations refugee agency.

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