Fargo Jet Center livrează în România două ambulanțe aeriene Bombardier Learjet 75

Fargo Jet Center (FJC), în colaborare cu Bombardier și Spectrum Aeromed, a livrat două ambulanțe aeriene Bombardier Learjet 75 destinate utilizării în România de către Inspectoratul General de Aviație al Ministerului Afacerilor Interne în sprijinul serviciilor de salvare de urgență.

„Maiestria și precizia cu care au fost construite aceste aeronave evidențiază cu adevărat capacitățile și expertiza echipei noastre în modificarea avioanelor”, a declarat Randy Jenson, vicepreședinte FJC. „De la proiectarea conceptuală până la soluțiile complet instalate, capacitățile noastre dovedite au jucat un rol cheie în pregătirea acestor aeronave pentru misiunea lor unică de îmbunătățire a accesului la asistență medicală și a timpilor de răspuns pentru urgențele medicale critice.”

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FJC transformed the aircraft from standard passenger configurations to air medical interiors with extensive modifications and performance enhancements.

The custom-designed, engineered, and FAA-approved modifications include downwash patient lighting, a removable bulkhead, an AFT baggage storage cabinet, a 6,000-liter oxygen rack system, and a forward cargo bay.

Unveiled as the first of their kind in Romania and as one of the fastest aircraft types in its class, these two Learjet 75 aircraft will serve to improve response time and availability, particularly in times of life-threatening situations, providing prompt access to the highest level of urgent medical care.

“At Bombardier Defense, we take pride in the trust put in our products to conduct demanding missions,” said Steve Patrick, vice-president, Bombardier Defense. “Bombardier has a 24/7 support infrastructure of experts and service centers worldwide that are ready to provide an efficient and reliable service for the Learjet aircraft. We look forward to continue expanding our partnership with Fargo Jet Center to provide our highly reliable platforms tailored to the mission.”

FJC partnered with Spectrum Aeromed (Fargo, ND, USA) to supply the dedicated advanced air ambulance modules and supporting air medical equipment. Each aircraft is outfitted for the transport of two critical patients and includes vital medical equipment including an incubator for critical condition infants and an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine.

“This completion is another example of FJC and Spectrum Aeromed’s unique value proposition for our clients that’s not found anywhere else in the world,” said Chase McCown, Spectrum Aeromed president. “With facilities based on the same airport, our teams can better collaborate throughout a project.”

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