Utilizați un hub USB-C pentru a vă actualiza Chromecastul cu Google TV

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imagine: David Nield / Gizmodo

Chromecast cu Google TV Este unul dintre instrumentele noastre preferate pentru a obține conținut audio și video pe un ecran mare cu HDMI, dar esteCapacitățile S pot fi extinse și mai mult cu accesoriul adecvat – în special, hub-ul USB-C.

Atâta timp cât cumpărați un hub care poate canaliza puterea către Chromecast cu Google TV, aveți instantaneu o mulțime de porturi cu care să faceți jocuri. Din ceea ce am văzut de la Alti oameni Cine a încercat asta, Aveți nevoie de un încărcător cu o putere de cel puțin 45 W, ceea ce am folosit în testele noastre.

Unele dintre aceste modificări necesită acces la un fișier Opțiuni pentru dezvoltatori Lista este dedesubt Sistem În setări. Pentru a activa acest lucru, accesați setările și alegeți Sistem, Apoi Despre, Apoi selectați Sistem de operare Android TV De șapte ori (veți vedea un mesaj când ați făcut-o corect). Acest lucru dezvăluie mai multe opțiuni hardware de ultimă generație la care altfel nu ați avea acces.

Pregătirea hardware-ului

Atâta timp cât aveți un hub USB-C cu o conexiune de alimentare care poate fi transmisă către Chromecastul dvs. și un adaptor de alimentare modernizat care furnizează o energie electrică adecvată, testele pe care le-am subliniat aici ar trebui să funcționeze așa cum sunt publicate. pentru trimitere, this Aukey hub was the one we picked up for the job.

The more devices you connect to the hub, the more power you’re going to need. Some trial and error might be involved—with functionality like this that’s only supported semi-officially, everything might not work perfectly first time around.

Your Chromecast will be able to see any attached storage.

Your Chromecast will be able to see any attached storage.
Screenshot: Google TV

Playing local video

Once you’ve plugged in the USB-C hub and your Chromecast with Google TV, you can also attach a USB drive, as long as it’s formatted as FAT32 (which you can do in Windows or macOS). The storage should automatically be viewable and accessible to any apps on your Chromecast that can browse for files.

Install an app such as the VLC media player, and you can then open up images, audio and video from your USB drive. Any file management tool you install will be able to see the external storage, too, and you can launch files that way as well.

Attaching peripherals

Another way you can use a USB-C hub plugged into your Chromecast with Google TV is to attach a keyboard and a mouse. It makes entering text much easier, and allows you to better control apps that you’ve sideloaded that weren’t meant for the device (like a web browser, for example).

There’s not much to the setup here, as once you connect a keyboard and mouse to the hub they should be recognized and work immediately. You might find some bugginess in certain apps, but based on our testing, you should be able to type and click away as much as you like.

Duo will make video calls via your webcam once you give it the necessary permissions.

Duo will make video calls via your webcam once you give it the necessary permissions.
Screenshot: Google Duo

Making video calls

Google Duo shows up as an available app when you search for it on the Chromecast with Google TV, so once it’s installed all that you’re missing is a webcam. Slot a webcam into a spare port on your USB-C hub and you’ll be up and running—as long as you’re using a power brick with enough wattage to keep everything switched on.

Duo should automatically recognize your webcam, so you can put through your audio and video calls as needed (note the Duo app needs to be open on your Chromecast for incoming calls to appear). You can make audio-only calls without a webcam, too, using the microphone in the Chromecast remote.

Expanding storage

We’ve managed playing files off of attached USB drives, and those USB drives can also be used for the Chromecast to save apps and other files, if needed. Again, attached drives will need to be formatted as FAT32 for the Chromecast dongle to recognize them, which can be done from either Windows or macOS.

With your drive attached, open Settings and pick System, Developer options, and Force allow apps on external. Next, go to System, then Storage, and pick your USB drive. Select Erase & format as device storage and the Chromecast will subsequently be able to use it (this means you won’t be able to play local files from it anymore, however).

You’ll be invited to move data and apps over right away, but you can also do it later. From Settings, choose Apps, then See all apps, and pick the app you want to move. Select the app to get to its options, and select Storage used to move it.

VLC is one app that will be able to see external storage.

VLC is one app that will be able to see external storage.
Screenshot: VLC

Boosting internet speeds

Some users have bemoaned the lack of an Ethernet adapter for the Chromecast with Google TV—adapters are available for Modele Chromecast anterioare—Dar aceasta este o altă problemă care poate fi rezolvată atunci când adăugați un hub USB-C. Dacă cumpărați un hub care include un port Ethernet, Îl puteți conecta direct la router.

Aceasta înseamnă că conexiunea la internet ar trebui să fie mai rapidă și mai stabilă – poate în mod semnificativ, în funcție de starea Wi-Fi, și asta va face diferența atunci când vizionați filme, Jocuri etc. Chromecastul ar trebui să recunoască automat conexiunea prin cablu, odată ce totul este conectat, dar puteți verifica accesând Rețea și Internet În setări.

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