Democrații din Camera Reprezentanților iau măsuri pentru a se opune vânzării bombei de către Trump a saudiților

Vineri, parlamentarii democrați au introdus rezoluții care se opun vânzării administrației Trump de milioane de dolari…

Abbas anunță primele alegeri palestiniene din ultimii 15 ani

Vineri, președintele palestinian Mahmoud Abbas a publicat un decret prin care anunța datele alegerilor parlamentare și…

The „largest vaccination site” in the United States will open at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles

General view of Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, on November 18, 2020. AaronP / Bauer-Griffin /…

Trump orders a military shift to stimulate Arab-Israeli cooperation against Iran

US officials said on Thursday that President Trump has ordered the expansion of the main US…

At least 5 people are killed in an attack on the Sudanese border, as tensions with Ethiopia rise

Tensions between the two countries have been rising for decades due to the disputed fracas region,…

Park Geun-hye: The Supreme Court of South Korea has upheld the 20-year prison sentence of a former leader

Park was in the beginning Sentenced to 24 years in prison After being convicted of multiple…

The African Union supplies 270 million doses of vaccine to the continent

The African Union said, on Wednesday, that it had obtained 270 million doses of an anti-virus…

Female veterans blame toxic rule for reproductive problems: „I’m going to die young”

Former Army Intelligence Analyst Elba Barr trained in connecting dots – a practice she now uses…

TikTok influencer Hanin Hussam and Mawaddah Al-Azm acquitted of charges of violating family values ​​in Egypt

Haneen Hussam and Mawaddah Al-Azem were charged with „violating family values ​​and principles and establishing and…

Xinjiang Uyghurs: UK fined companies that do not disclose imports linked to the Chinese region

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced the new measures on Tuesday, which the Foreign Office says…